Tag Archives: sugar

4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments – Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

Make edible Christmas ornaments this year! These 4 homemade sugar Christmas ornaments are so pretty and incredibly easy to make! DIY candy Christmas decorations are easy last-minute Christmas DIY crafts for kids.

4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments - Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

Sugar ornaments are traditional Christmas tree ornaments. One of the following sugar ornament recipes was even published 280 years ago in 1741!

These edible Christmas tree decorations glitter like ice and snow. But these sparkling candy Christmas ornaments aren’t just pretty: When Christmas is over, you can eat the sugar ornaments (or use them for cakes and cookies in place of regular sugar)! Continue reading 4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments – Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

Homemade Vanilla Sugar

Homemade Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla sugar is a great alternative to vanilla extract. I use homemade vanilla sugar all the time: for ice creams, cakes, desserts and drinks. To make vanilla sugar at home you’ll just need two ingredients: sugar and organic vanilla powder. Vanilla powder is made with ground vanilla beans and has a delicious scent and taste! Continue reading Homemade Vanilla Sugar

15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts

Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles And Sugar Hearts

Coloring sugar naturally with fruits & vegetables is very easy and so much fun! 😀 Can you believe that all these sugar sprinkles & hearts are naturally colored?

I used fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs and teas to naturally dye the sugar sprinkles and sugar hearts. You can make almost any color with homemade natural food coloring. Learn how to make 15 DIY all-natural colored sugar sprinkles & sugar hearts in all colors of the rainbow! 🌈 Continue reading 15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts

Lilac Flower Sugar

Lilac Sugar

Because I love lilacs, I tried to make lilac sugar with fresh lilac flowers. Last year I tried to infuse sugar with layers of fresh lilac flowers, but the sugar didn’t taste of lilacs. So this year I ground fresh lilac petals together with granulated sugar in a mortar. The sugar has a really pretty lilac color when it’s fresh. But as soon as the sugar is dried, it’s just brown, and even the fresh sugar doesn’t have a lilac scent or taste. For a lilac taste it works much better to infuse syrup or milk with lilac flowers.